Christmas Message 2017

“Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” was written by Charles Wesley and is a well-known Christmas
hymn. The lyrics are very inspiring and still speak to us today. As we send our Christmas greeting,
may these words touch you as you read them.

Hark, the Herald Angels sing,

Glory to the new-born King,
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.
Joyful all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With th’ angelic host proclaim,
Christ is born in Bethlehem.”
Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Christ by highest heav’n adored,
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time, behold Him come,
Offspring of a Virgin’s womb,
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see,
Hail the incarnate Deity!
Pleased as man with man to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel,
Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!”

Hail the heav’n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris’n with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!”

May the Lord bless you with His peace, love and joy as you
celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Holly Leaves and Berries Festive Wreath Hanging on Front Door

Our Special Gift to You:
We also want to include a special Christmas gift to you by sharing a very
special video from YouTube. Merry Christmas!
Click Here to be blessed as you view and listen to it.

His servants,

Bud and Betty Miller

Bud and Betty Miller
Christ Unlimited Ministries

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Jesus and the message of the Bible at
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Who Will be the Next President of the United States?

Pray for Our Nation and Vote for Our Leaders

Fall 2016
By Betty Miller

We have diligently been praying about the upcoming elections, that we, as a nation, will elect the right person who will hold the office of the president of the United States. We are also praying that we will elect good senators and representatives to rule over us, as well. We know all Christians, have been praying as well. Many believers are divided and confused about the choices before us. As Christians, we should care about character, the Supreme Court, and social issues like abortion and traditional marriage and also the future of our nation. Yet, the Lord has not made it easy this time for us to be at peace about our vote. There are no easy answers. The Bible says as long as we are in this earth, we see through a glass darkly, so we are faced with the choice between two flawed candidates for the presidency. Regardless of the outcome, we are committed to honoring and praying for whichever leaders get elected across the board because the Bible tells us we are to honor the offices of our leaders. The next president will face enormous challenges and problems and will need our support and prayers. We are admonished in the Word of God to pray for them, as God wants us to have leaders that will make decisions that will allow us to live quiet and peaceable lives in an environment of godliness and honesty according to the scripture below:

1 Timothy 2:1-5
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

What Will the Next President Do?

Months ago, I started praying about the presidential elections. I even asked the Lord to show me who the new president would be, as I know He has revealed the future to some of His prophets and people. I told the Lord I would like to know since I have had such a burden to pray about this matter. My burden came with a lot of weeping and crying over our nation and the upcoming elections and over the spirit of division that is in our land. I have an intercessory prayer burden and maybe I just have a Jeremiah anointing on me right now, as Jeremiah was known as “the weeping prophet.” Anyway, God did not reveal to me who the next president would be, but rather led me to a scripture in Jeremiah and began speaking to me about what the next president would do. Here was the scripture He spoke to my heart:

Jeremiah 1:10 “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

Here is what He revealed to me about the correlation of this scripture and the office of the presidency of which either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will fill. We are going to have one of these people as our next president and one of them will be “set over the nations” for a very unusual purpose. Continue reading

Who Will be the Next President of the United States?

We Can Help You With Your New Year’s Resolution to Study the Bible More

We can help you if one of your New Year’s resolution is to study the Bible more in this coming year. The website has over 10,000 pages of Bible related material to help you as you study the Bible and has three different search features to help you find what you are looking for in the Bible and on the site. There are 18 versions of the Bible you can search by chapter, verse and topic.   We also have a Bible Plan to Read the Bible Through in A Year. It is in Spanish as well as English. You have the choice of reading in the King James Version, NIV or Amplified version. Click here to start the Daily Bible Reading Plan furnishes one of the most popular online Bible Study Devotionals FREE.  The “God’s Wisdom for Daily Livingdevotional by Betty Miller is based on the book of Proverbs and may be just the devotional to speak into your life this year.  Pray about joining us daily or sample a page by going to this link:   You can start anytime by going back to Day 1 on the calendar on that page and the website is mobile and cell phone friendly.  We have a Bible Scripture Devotional titled Morning Light and Evening Light, as well.

Millions have read the daily devotional, “God’s Wisdom for Daily Living,” by Betty Miller online. It has changed their lives. It can change yours. You can also purchase the book in paperback if you prefer the feel of a book in your hands at   It can also be purchased on Amazon Kindle and has a 5 Star rating from all readers.

God’s Wisdom for Daily Living is a 365-day devotional based on the entire Book of Proverbs. This unique book is more than just a daily devotional; but is also a series of mini-teachings, helping you to both study and meditate on the Word of God. Proverbs reveals the Wisdom of God, and helps us know how to deal with the every-day problems that we all face.

This book particularly gives us godly advice in the area of relationships, marriage, child rearing, money management, health issues, and scores of other subjects about obscure things that man’s curiosity has desired to know. The Bible is God’s gift to mankind, and Betty Miller’s gift of teaching helps those with seeking hearts to gain this knowledge and apply it in their daily affairs. The devotional takes only 5 minutes a day to read, but the substance of it will linger with you all day.

Christ Unlimited Ministries has received thousands of testimonies of how it has changed their lives. If you are seeking to live a life of faith and purity, this book will inspire and challenge you to become more like the Master. The prayers recorded at the end of each day come from the heart of Betty Miller and those prayers can become a part of your life as you seek to know Jesus Christ more intimately. Betty’s prayer for this devotional is that you will experience the Lord’s special anointing and become more like Jesus as you meet Him daily through the insight gained from reading “God’s Wisdom for Daily Living.”

As we come to a close of one year and begin another, we have traditionally focused on reflection on the good and bad of the past year and the determination to change the failures of that year by setting goals for the next year. We do this in order to help us overcome things that we want to change for the better, such as getting out of debt, overcoming bad habits, etc. We do this by outlining the things we want to accomplish in the New Year. As Christians, it is important to set goals that not only will make us overcomers in this life, but will also increase the Kingdom of Heaven on an eternal basis.  One way you can do this is to read this daily devotional and then share its availability with your friends.


From: K.J.E. Subject: Daily Devotional CommentEach day I read what Betty & her husband put on this site & it seems that GOD puts just what I need on here every day; it is such a great feeling to know GOD will & does work in our lives daily. I can feel such a change in my life, so thanks & GOD bless them for what they do. Amen!”


We wish you all a very Happy New Year!

May The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

Bud & Betty Miller

You can go here to read today’s devotional and start your Proverb’s Devotional and Bible Study now:



What’s New – New Audio YouTube Teachings

Click here to read and sign up for future ones.

Kindle Books Are Available


Christ Unlimited Ministries is now presenting 10 books written by Betty Miller that are now available in Kindle versions. Kindle versions include our ever popular daily devotional, God’s Wisdom for Daily Living and the Overcoming Life Series books which include: Prove All Things, The True God, The Will of God, Exposing Satan’s Devices, Healing of the Spirit Soul and Body, Neither Male Nor Female, Extremes or Balance, and Pathway into the Overcoming Life. All of the Overcoming Life Series have Bible Study Workbooks available as well and the workbooks can only be purchased in the printed versions at our Online Ministry Bookstore. Check your Kindle Reader for these titles or listings under the author’s name, Betty Miller, or you may also go to Amazon Books and check out books by Betty Miller.

NEW – The Overcoming Life Series is now available in Spanish on Kindle as well.

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Christ Unlimited Mission

The mission is to help change the world via our BibleResources Center by reaching the masses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ Unlimited Ministries offers the Bible in different languages and translations, Bible Answers, Bible Teachings, Devotionals, a Bible Search Tool, Bible tools for mobile devices, Bible Studies and Reading Plans in text, audio and video. We help you answer questions as to what the Bible says about many important topics, plus where in the Bible those answers are located. This is all available so people can know the God of the Bible! We thank you for your prayers and support– your gifts are essential to our mission.

Ministry Goal: Christ Unlimited Ministries Goal is to strengthen the church worldwide and bring new converts to Jesus by making the Bible available in many formats and languages, along with sound scriptural teaching. Our desire is to honor Jesus and bring glory to God by continuing to share the gospel of the kingdom via the Internet as commanded of us in the Great Commission.

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P.O. Box 850
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Christ Unlimited Ministries sponsors this site and is a 501(C)3, tax-exempt, non-profit ministry. We appreciate your love and support. Your love gifts will help us continue this work and expand it to reach millions. God bless you!



Christmas Letter 2015

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:10-14

“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” Romans 14:17

Christmas Greetings,

We greet you in Jesus’ name and are praying that you truly can experience the Lord’s peace and joy during this blessed Christmas season! We are thankful that through Jesus we have great and precious promises to be able to live in perilous times and remain free from fear and stress.  The Lord has been faithful to bring us through every trial victoriously! He is so good!

Through our ministry at we are experiencing a big influx of people coming to the website to find Bible answers to their problems during these troubling times when the world has no answers. The stats on our website just this week recorded that over 120,000 active users read over a million pages from the site.  The Holy Spirit is at work in the world and we are thankful to be a part of what He is doing.  May all of us let our light shine!

We thank each of you for your prayers, your support and your kindness toward us, as being in our senior years, we realize even more how valuable friendship is and how we need one another. We have had challenges this past year in a number of areas like our finances and health; but thanks be to God, He has been faithful to heal and provide on a daily basis.  Your prayers and support for us is more vital than ever, as most of you know, we do not plan to retire, although, at times, it takes us longer to get things done. We are asking God for additional support to do more.

We are just grateful to the Lord, we can continue to work by getting the messages He has given us into as many formats as possible. We now have many of our hard copy printed books and audio sermons on Amazon Kindle and YouTube.  We, along with our staff, have worked hard to get this done, as well, as making our website mobile friendly.   We have upgraded the website with new “Search the Site” and “Search the Bible” features on the home page if you need to look up a scripture in various translations or a certain topic, come and give it a try at   Thanks for praying for us and know we pray for you as well.   Peace and joy!

His grateful servants,
Bud and Betty Miller

What Does the Bible Say about Thanksgiving?

Christians look forward to the time of the year when we celebrate two important holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. These holidays have their beginnings and roots in Christian celebrations. The word holiday actually means “holy day”; hence these events should be remembered and celebrated in a holy manner. We have strayed from that purpose over the years as we have embraced many unholy practices and worldly customs and added them to our “holy days.”

Compromises, as Christians in celebrating Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is one of our main national holidays here in the USA. A good question to ask is “Are we as Christians celebrating it the way the Lord would have us celebrate, or have we compromised with the world?” Have we lost the emphasis on thanksgiving and prayer and shifted it to a gluttonous feast of food, drink and games like those in the world have done? God wants us to enjoy family, friends and feasting, but leaving God out of the day breaks His heart. More and more the media is referring to this holiday as “turkey day” instead of Thanksgiving Day. They also eliminate the object of who we are to offer our thanks. We are just to be “thankful” we are told. Who should our thanks be directed to? The object of our thanks for our many blessings should be directed to the Lord God. It should not just be a general “thanks.”

To read the entire article you can go to this link:  What Does the Bible Say about Thanksgiving?