Touching Testimonies
Comment from Elect Lady Raesheia N.:
Blessings to you GREAT woman of God and ALL of your God given anointed staff. I’ll keep this email short. I was led to your site by the Holy Spirit a year and a half ago. Ever since being exposed to it, I have become “biblically born again”. I just want to say I thank God for your obedience and your great example of sacrifice and submission to God. It was through this God given ministry that I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and begin speaking in tongues (during the pandemic). I am blessed, honored and I TELL EVERYONE about this online resource. When I share this with others they scratch their heads and squint their eyes and say, “But aren’t you a Bishop’s wife? Didn’t you grow up in the greatest church organization in the world” (Church Of God in Christ)? I say, “Yes I did, but clearly a whole lot was missed and that’s why I sought God for more and He led me to you all (Hallelujah)! I am forever Grateful, to this ministry. I lead a women’s fellowship class every other Saturday, teaching from the workbooks written by Pastor Betty Miller! I have so much to share, but I said I’d be short! I love you all so much. God WILL CONTINUE to bless this ministry, until He returns.
Showing our thanks to God with our finances and gifts to His work.
One way we can show our thanks is to give to the work of God. Ask God where you are to give as there are many good ministries today that are reaching the world around them with the gospel. Local churches need help because of the Covid19 closures so do not forget them and the many evangelists that have been grounded. We would also be grateful if you chose to include us in your giving this year. God bless you in advance.
How to Donate: These beautiful art prints were given to us to help raise money for the ministry.
A Firm Foundation Art Print
We have been given 1200 Dudash “Firm Foundation” autographed, numbered prints entitled: “A Firm Foundation.” These are autographed and numbered (2500 total in the series), 18 x 24 inch limited edition, collector’s lithograph printed on heavy premium stock ready for framing. PAINTING THEME: The Bible and faith were hand-in-hand with the founding of America. This beautiful painting features a Bible on a freshly signed Declaration of Independence, with a Founder dreaming about the future of America (seeing a modern city in his thoughts). It reminds each of us that America’s future must be founded on the Bible and faith in God, just as its past. The original price of this print was $75.00 and we are giving it to anyone who donates $50.00 or more to the ministry to help us at this time. This print is not sold in stores, nor anywhere else. Your donation to Christ Unlimited Ministries will help us to continue getting out the gospel and in turn, we are able to bless you with a lovely gift of Christian art. You may click here for instructions on how to donate and receive your own autographed copy of this art print: Or, you may send a donation by mail to: Christ Unlimited Ministries, P.O. Box 850, Dewey, AZ 86327 requesting “A Firm Foundation” art print. To donate by phone: Call toll free 1-888-292-4253
Bible Resource Center has many things on the site to help you grow in God. As Christians, one of the most important things we can do to overcome in this life is to become strong in God, by studying His Word. Here are some links with information that will help you so that you can be prepared in a day such as this:
Read the Bible – Daily reading plan designed so that you can read the Bible through in a year. You can start anytime. <More Info>
Bible Questions and Answers – If you are looking for answers to some of life’s most perplexing questions and would like to know what the Bible says about those topics, you can click here to find those answers: <Bible Answers>
Study the Bible – Bible Study Tools to help you study the Bible on your own. They include access to Bible search tools, reference works, commentaries and Bible Study material (Christ Unlimited Ministries), as well as others that we recommend. <More Info>
Daily Devotionals – You can take your choice of reading the Daily Devotional that Betty Miller wrote called God’s Wisdom for Daily Living or read totally scripture devotionals for the day. <More Info> God’s Wisdom for Daily Living is now available in paperback from our Chapel Bookstore. <To Order>
Prayer Room – You can use our Prayer Room to leave prayer requests for your own needs or the needs of others. Our dedicated intercessors will pray for your requests. We also personally agree for these prayer needs to be met. <More Info>
Just click to to easily find one of the above, plus many other helps.
Ministry Goal
Christ Unlimited Ministries’ goal is to strengthen the church worldwide and bring new converts to Jesus by making the Bible available in every format and language possible, along with sound scriptural teaching. Our desire is to honor Jesus and bring glory to God by continuing to share the gospel of the kingdom via the Internet as commanded of us in the Great Commission.