Why Have a Trust Protector?

trust protector

Why Have a Trust Protector?

A mother established a revocable living trust to leave her estate to her two adult children.  The mother felt naming one of the children as trustee would cause a rift in their relationship, so she sought a private professional fiduciary instead.  Many years later, the mother passed away.  The fiduciary accepted the trusteeship and began the trust administration process.  Eventually the children noticed significant issues with the trust administration and confronted the fiduciary.  However, the fiduciary was adamant about their decision-making as trustee and refused to cooperate with the children.  The children allowed the trust administration to continue as they did not want to exacerbate the situation.  To this day, the children feel betrayed and believe their mother’s last wishes were not fulfilled.

Unfortunately, we here at Mortensen & Reinheimer, PC see the above scenario all too often.  To avoid such issues, a safety measure that the mother could have included in her trust is called a “Trust Protector.”  Generally, a Trustor Protector is given significant power over your trust and provides oversight of certain decisions, as well as allowing for a degree of flexibility to the trust itself.

Key Responsibilities

An essential function of a Trust Protector appointment is to monitor the trustee and oversee performance.  Had the mother named a Trust Protector in the above case, the children’s allegations could have been independently and objectively investigated to determine whether the trust administration was being properly handled.  If not, the Trust Protector could remove the fiduciary and appoint a successor trustee.

Other powers of a Trust Protector may include:

  • Resolve disputes between trustees (if there are co-trustees) or between beneficiaries and trustee(s)
  • Consent to, direct or veto income and principal distributions
  • Change the location of the trust
  • Alter interests of beneficiaries
  • Terminate a trust and have income and principal be distributed outright and free of trust to one or more beneficiaries
  • Convert a limited power of appointment to a general power of appointment
  • Create a general power of appointment in favor of a beneficiary
  • Make changes to the trust or accommodate changing circumstances or laws

These powers can be eliminated or altered as well, so that the Trust Protector has limitations as desired by the trustor.

Who Can be Appointed?

The Trust Protector can be anyone; however, it is recommended that a neutral party be selected so that concerns and issues can be evaluated objectively.

Define Limits of Power

As good as it may seem to have a Trust Protector, problems can occur if the role is not clearly defined.  To avoid unexpected power struggles, the Settlor/Trustor should be clear in his or her trust documents as to what specific powers will be given to the Trust Protector and any limitations (as California has not codified the role).  It is also recommended that the Trust Protector clause include a path to removing and replacing the Trust Protector, as well as set forth guidelines as to their qualifications.

Weily-Yang_150x134About the author:
Weily Yang is an attorney at Mortensen & Reinheimer, PC, an estate planning and probate firm in Irvine. Weily is a zealous advocate for individuals with special needs. His primary focus is special needs trusts and probate conservatorships together with estate planning, trust administration, and probate. He can be reached at weily@ocestateplanning.net.

Two New Blog Posts from Betty Miller

Two New Blog Posts from Betty Miller

1) Voting, Unity & the Future of the USA
Our Forefathers Started This Nation on Christian Values, Now We Must Keep Them.
2) Corona Virus Pandemic
Is the Covid19 Virus Pandemic a Judgment from God?
— Posted last month.

Excerpt from the Blog:
Voting, Unity & the Future of the USA

“Our Forefathers Started This Nation on Christian Values, Now We Must Keep Them”

As Christians, we should care about the future of our nation.  We should care about who serves on the Supreme Court, and social issues like abortion and traditional marriage and also the social and cultural future of our nation. ­­­­We have the opportunity to vote for men and women who support our Christian values. Some people do not want to vote as they believe we are to separate church from state. However, separation between church and state does not mean we are to be isolated from politics, but rather that we influence politics with Christian and biblical principles. Separation between church and state was meant to keep the government from overruling the church; as the new republic our forefathers founded, wanted to be free of the government telling the church what they could do. It was about freedom of religion so the government would not interfere with the freedom of God’s people.

We must have a president who will support religious freedom at all levels of government. I am thankful that currently one of President Trump’s strong stands is for religious freedom for Christians in this nation, as well as his strong stand against abortion.  Remember we are voting for more than just one leader, we will also be voting for either the Democratic Party Platform or the Republican Party Platform when we choose our president.  Read the platforms of both parties and you will find that the Democratic Party supports abortion, while the Republican Party supports the sanctity of life. That one thing alone should influence our Christian vote. There are many other issues on the Democratic Platform that are opposed to the Christian belief, but this one issue alone should tell us what party to vote for.

Democratic and Republican Platforms Side-by-Side Posted on Billy Graham’s Website:


Our current and future president will face enormous challenges and problems and he will need our support and prayers, not our criticism. We are admonished in the Word of God to pray for all leaders, as God wants us to have leaders that will make decisions that will allow us to live quiet and peaceable lives (not chaos) in an environment of godliness and honesty according to the scripture below:

1 Timothy 2:1-5:
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

For Those Who Have Chosen Not to Vote at All.  Many people do not even want to vote at all because they hate discord and disunity. That should not be our attitude, as not voting at all is still “a decision,” as we are allowing others to vote for us and passively accepting what they want.  Continue to read aboutSpeaking Blessing Not Curses and How This Will Will Make a Difference in the Course of History.”

Read the entire Blog:  https://bettymillerblog.com/voting-truth-unity/

Excerpt from the Blog:
Corona Virus Pandemic

First of all, God did not overtly orchestrate this Covid19 Pandemic as a judgment to punish the world or His people.  However, it is a judgment from God.  It is not the “wrath of God” that the Bible speaks about that is to come upon the world in the last time as the final judgment on the wicked.  I know some have said this is not a judgment of God and it comes from the devil.  Yes, it does comes from the devil, but our problem is we need to get a Biblical definition of what “the judgment of God” is in order to understand what is happening now.

Although judgment usually has an evil connotation to it (the execution of the penalty for sin), it also has a positive side. Judgment has to do with the sowing and reaping process. This is defined in

Galatians 6:7-9  “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

From this we can see that the negative side of judgment is that evil reaps destruction, while on the positive side; good that is sown through Jesus is rewarded. God’s judgment on evil is seen by the curse that is on wicked men. While God’s judgment for the righteous will manifest in His blessings and rewards on them. This is true for individuals as well as nations. Negative judgments have been hanging over our nation for some time because of the many sins that we have corporately committed.  Now we are reaping the fruit of our national sins.

Romans 6:23  “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Continue to read what God has spoken to me personally about this virus….

Read the entire Blog:  https://bettymillerblog.com/corona-virus-pandemic/

The Role of the Forensic Accountant in Dispute Resolution

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by Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFF, MAFF, Managing Partner

For decades, plaintiffs and defendants alike have been motivated by having their day in court. This innate desire of human beings to prove themselves “right” has powered our justice system and made the legal profession one of the most demanding and rewarding. This has worked well until the Covid-19 pandemic hit and courtrooms across the nation began to close their doors.  At first, many professionals in litigation support thought, “It’s only a few weeks.”  Then, “It’s only a few months.”  Now, along with attorneys, we must pivot and embark on a journey to the new normal.

As courts begin to re-open, many are backlogged, and matters are being re-prioritized to ensure what the court considers critical cases are addressed. Trial resolution for “non-critical” matters has become a daunting uncertainty. As a result, for many litigators the new normal involves a greater focus on other forms of dispute resolution. Those attorneys who are skilled in negotiation and mediation can benefit from understanding the powerful role a forensic CPA can play in the resolution process.

The role of a forensic accountant is to transform complex financial data into calculations and a narrative that non-accountants can understand. Unlike lawyers, however, the rules governing the professional conduct of forensic CPAs forbid advocacy. Financial damages experts provide independent objective analysis, perform calculations, and report findings. This objectivity-based perspective allows the forensic accounting expert to offer impartial findings which enable both parties to more effectively resolve their differences and arrive at a resolution, often avoiding litigation in a courtroom setting. It is this independence, and the ability to clearly communicate damage calculations, that can make the forensic accountant a key player in dispute resolution.

{Reprinted with permission of the Orange County Business Journal, originally published in the  “Women in Law” supplement, August 31, 2020.}